데일리코어 멀티비타민

Daily Core Multivitamin




900mg * 30T


건강기능식품 / 연질캡슐





데일리코어 멀티비타민

Daily Core Multivitamin


Product Type


Health Functional Food


Dosage Form





900mg * 30T



1일 1회, 1회 1정을 충분한 물과 함께 섭취

Take 1 tablet, 1 time a day with plenty of water


Main Ingredients

비타민B1염산염, DL-알파-토코페릴초산염혼합제제, 니코틴산아미드, 푸마르산제일철, 산화아연, 황산망간, 분말비타민A혼합제제, 비타민C, 판토텐산칼슘, 아셀렌산나트륨, 건조효모, 비오틴, 황산동, 분말비타민B12혼합제제, 비타민B6염산염, 비타민B2, 비타민D3혼합제제

Vitamin B1 hydrochloride, Mixed formulation of DL-α-tocopheryl acetate, Nicotinamide, Ferrous fumarate, Zinc oxide, Manganese sulphate, Mixed formulation of vitamin A powder, Vitamin C, Calcium pantothenate, Sodium selenite, Dried yeast, Biotin, Cupric sulphate, Mixed formulation of vitamin B12 powder, Vitamin B6 hydrochloride, Vitamin B2, Mixed formulation of vitamin D3



이노시톨, 과일채소혼합분말, 유산균혼합분말, 곡물혼합분말, 레몬밤추출물, 매실추출분말, 체리농축분말, 치커리뿌리추출물분말 등

- Inositol, Mixed fruit and vegetable powder, Mixed lactobacillus powder, Mixed grain powder, Lemon balm extract, Plum extract powder, Cherry concentrated powder, Chicory root extract powder, etc



[비타민C] 결합조직 형성과 기능유지에 필요, 철의 흡수에 필요, 항산화 작용을 하여 유해산소로부터 세포를 보호하는데 필요.
[비타민E] 항산화 작용을 하여 유해산소로부터 세포를 보호하는데 필요.
[나이아신] 체내 에너지 생성에 필요.
[철] 체내 산소운반과 혈액생성에 필요, 에너지 생성에 필요.
[아연] 정상적인 면역기능에 필요, 정상적인 세포분열에 필요.
[망간] 뼈 형성에 필요, 에너지 이용에 필요, 유해산소로부터 세포를 보호하는데 필요.
[비타민A] 어두운 곳에서 시각 적응을 위해 필요, 피부와 점막을 형성하고 기능을 유지하는데 필요, 상피세포의 성장과 발달에 필요.
[비타민D] 칼슘과 인이 흡수되고 이용되는데 필요, 뼈의 형성과 유지에 필요, 골다공증발생 위험 감소에 도움을 줌.
[판토텐산] 지방, 탄수화물, 단백질 대사와 에너지 생성에 필요.
[셀렌] 유해산소로부터 세포를 보호하는데 필요.
[크롬] 체내 탄수화물, 지방, 단백질 대사에 관여.
[비오틴] 지방, 탄수화물, 단백질 대사와 에너지 생성에 필요.
[구리] 철의 운반과 이용에 필요, 유해산소로부터 세포를 보호하는데 필요.
[비타민B12] 정상적인 엽산 대사에 필요.
[비타민B6] 단백질 및 아미노산 이용에 필요, 혈액의 호모시스테인 수준을 정상으로 유지하는데 필요.
[비타민B1] 탄수화물과 에너지 대사에 필요.
[비타민B2] 체내 에너지 생성에 필요.

[Vitamin B1] Necessary for carbohydrate and energy metabolism
[Vitamin C] Necessary for the normal structure and maintenance of the connective tissue, necessary for the absorption of iron, necessary for protection of cell from free radicals.
[Vitamin E] Necessary for the protection of cell from free radicals.
[Niacin] Necessary for the energy production in the body.
[Iron] Necessary for oxygen transport and blood production in the body, necessary for energy production.
[Zinc] Necessary for normal immune function, necessary for normal cell division.
[Manganese] Necessary for the normal bone structure, necessary for energy utilization, necessary for protection of cell from free radicals.
[Vitamin A] Necessary for vision adaptation in dark places, necessary for the normal structure and function of skin of mucosa, necessary for the normal growth and development of epithelial cells.
[Vitamin D] Necessary for the normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the normal structure and maintenance of bones, help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
[Pantothenic acid] Necessary for the normal metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins and energy production.
[Selenium] Necessary for the protection of cell from free radicals.
[Chrom] Involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body.
[Biotin] Necessary for the normal metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins and energy production.
[Copper] Necessary for the transport and utilization of iron, necessary for the protection of cell from free radicals.
[Vitamin B12] Necessary for the normal metabolism of folic acid.
[Vitamin B6] Necessary for the utilization of proteins and amino acids, necessary for the maintenance of normal blood homocysteine levels.
[Vitamin B1] Necessary for the normal carbohydrates and energy metabolism.
[Vitamin B2] Necessary for the energy production in the body. [Vitamin B2] Necessary for energy production in the body
[Vitamin B6] Necessary for protein and amino acid utilization/Necessary for maintaining normal homocysteine ​​levels in the blood
[Niacin] Necessary for energy production in the body
[Pantothenic acid] Necessary for fat, carbohydrate, protein metabolism and energy production
[Selenium, Vitamin E] Necessary for protecting cells from harmful oxygen
[Biotin] Necessary for fat, carbohydrate, protein metabolism and energy production
[Folic acid] Necessary for cell and fluid production. Necessary for normal development of the fetal neural tube
[Zinc] Necessary for normal immune function. Necessary for normal cell division
[Contains omega-3 fatty acids] Improves neutral lipids in the blood. May help improve blood circulation
[Products containing octacosanol] Endurance May help promote

제조원 / 판매원

Manufacturer / Distributor

(주)한미양행 / (주)천호엔케어

Hanmi Nutrition Inc. / ChunhoNcare., Ltd.
