베리혼합분말, 녹차추출물, 히알루론산, 오징어먹물색소, 아미노산혼합제제, 생선콜라겐분말, 건조효모, 과일채소혼합분말, 블랙곡물추출분말 등
Mixed formulation of berry, Green tea extract, Hyaluronic acid, Squid ink color, Mixed formulation of amino acids, Fish collagen powder, Dried yeast, Mixed fruit and vegetable powder, Black grain extract powder, etc
[비오틴] 지방, 탄수화물, 단백질 대사와 에너지 생성에 필요.
[Biotin] Necessary for the normal metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins and energy production.
제조원 / 판매원
Manufacturer / Distributor
(주)한미양행 / 제이더블유생활건강(주)
Hanmi Nutrition Inc. / JW Household & Health Care Co., Ltd.